Monday, October 28, 2013

Causes of Premature Ejaculation
This is a very common question. And an excellent one in my opinion. I’m a strong believer that the first step to solving a problem we are facing is to form a better understanding of that problem. So let’s dive into the subject and learn about the causes of premature ejaculation.
According to wikipedia, there are two types of premature ejaculation causes, the psychological and environmental factors and then the physical factors. If you want an exhaustive list of all possible factors, I encourage you to read the wikipedia article.
But in this one, please allow me to focus on what I think are the most common causes of premature ejaculation and that will cover more than 90% of the cases. I’m telling you that based on years of experience teaching men how to stop premature ejaculation and how to last longer in bed on this website and in person.
So let’s get it on…

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation

The very first cause of premature ejaculation is performance anxiety. The classic example is this. Everything is going fine in your sex life and then one day, you loose control of your arousal while having sex with your partner and you ejaculate too soon (or sooner than you wanted to). You are frustrated about the situation and a bit ashamed of yourself. Maybe you even feel guilt and you beat yourself because you couldn’t satisfy your wife or girlfriend.

Next time you’re about to make love to your partner, you can’t help but obsess about the fact that you don’t want disappoint her, you don’t want to let her down again. And guess what happens? This is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you are nervous, the more you put pressure on yourself, the more you obsess about your performance, harder it is to keep control of your arousal and ejaculation. If only you could go back to being relaxed, to enjoying sex, then you would get rid of this problem.

The only way to get rid of this vicious circle is to re-train your body and your mind to have this control once again.
Another very common cause of premature ejaculation is stress. In fact, this is quite the same problem as the previous one except that the source of stress is not the same. Here, we are talking about work-related stress, financial problems, hard relationships, etc. All these sources of stress activate oursympathetic nervous system and this system makes us ejaculate faster. It’s as simple as that.

It’s easier said than done, I know. But the solution here is to relax. The key to relaxing is breathing. Focusing on your breathing and breathing deeply will help tremendously (both in your sex life and in your life in general). It may sound a bit esoteric but meditation helps a lot. In fact, meditation can help you a lot with ejaculation control.

As you can see, sex is a lot like any other “performance”. It has a lot to do with the mental aspect of things. Another big cause of premature ejaculation is the lack of self-confidence. But again, this is another vicious circle. If only you could have more confidence in your ability to last, you would already see improvements.  But how can you be confident when you suffer from premature ejaculation!

Physical causes of premature ejaculation

Let’s now talk about the potential physical causes of premature ejaculation. First thing I want you to know (or remember) is that I’m not a doctor. I’m just a guy who talks about his own experience and the experience of the thousands of men I helped solving their own premature ejaculation issues.
In some (in my opinion) rare occasions, it is possible that your premature ejaculation may be caused by hormonal reasons (probably a lack of serotonine). In that case, it may be wise to consult a doctor.

That being said, there is something that I believe every man should do, training their pc muscle. In my experience PC muscle exercises are a big part of stopping premature ejaculation. Building strength, awareness and dexterity in that region of your body can only bring benefits in your life. So start doing them.

Obviously, premature ejaculation is a complex topic and its causes are many. But I hope this article has helped you understand a bit more why it’s happening. But most of all, I hope that you now see that you have everything it takes within you to solve this issue in your life.



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