Saturday, February 8, 2014


Friday, December 27, 2013

First off, it's ok if you've finished a little too early. The question should be, how early is too early?  The average sex session lasts around 12 minutes. Yes, 12 whole minutes. Very few people go beyond 12 minutes when thrusting begins. We'll give you 6 position for you to last longer in bed, we know these position have helped some of our members along with us personally, to last longer. But remember that it's not just sex positions that make you last's self-confidence that's key too. You HAVE to believe that you can do this, otherwise you'll fail without really trying. So how to last over 12 minutes longer in bed? Read here is how...
You've probably heard practice makes perfection. Well it's a fact when it comes to masturbation. The more you play with yourself, the more you'll learn about yourself and know what your key points are such as when you're close to ejaculation. Knowing that will help you immensely once you get to do the actual act.
Last Longer With Your Foreplay
You never want to rob a lady from foreplay. Learning how to use her senses to your advantage can be key. Touch her, but not genitalia just yet. Kiss every part of her body while touching other parts, but stay away from her vagina and nipples. She'll have you begging soon enough.
Sex By Oral
To us, oral isn't part of foreplay as it's a form of sex. Expecting her to receive and not give is a no-no. She'll return the favor if you do it right, but you must initiate it. Here are three positions we recommend you try:

The Big Game
So now you have her begging for you to stick it in. Remember to have that self-confidence at an all time high.  Believe in yourself. While the positions below work for us, the speed you do them at are key. If you screw like a jackhammer (fast), you may wanna slow it down here and there and vice versa. Learn to switch it up speed-wise and also learn the correct timing on switching positions. If you feel like you're about to ejaculate, slowly pull out and leave it out until that feeling goes out. Kiss and touch her while you're doing this to keep her going. If you need to go back a step and do a little more oral to let your little guy simmer down, then do so.

End Game
Never forget that this isn't a race. Slowing things down can make things last a lot longer and feel more pleasurable. We know these positions may not work for everyone, but we're giving them from personal experience and from what others have emailed us. You can always seek which sex positions work best for you by checking out our sex positions list.
Note: Visit by Matt Gorden to learn how to stop premature ejaculation
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Any athlete can tell you that the proper form is crucial to performance. Slightly changing up your technique can mean shaving a few seconds off of your race time or scoring a few extra points. Sex is no different: Picking the right position can mean the difference between crossing the finish line and ending up with the female equivalent of blue you-know-whats—and these nine choices will all leave you 100 percent satisfied.
For more positions, check out our sex positions page… that’s right, we have one!

Sex Position No.1: G-Whiz

When you lie on your back with your legs raised, it tightens your vaginal muscles and gives your partner easy access to the G-spot—so it's way easier to achieve an orgasm.
best sex position-G whix

You lie back with your legs resting on each of his shoulders.
When you raise your legs, it narrows the vagina and helps target your G-spot.
Ask him to start rocking you in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion. That should bring his penis into direct contact with your G-spot.

Sex Position No.2: Doggie Style

Help your O along by massaging your clitoris as your partner stimulates your G-spot from behind.
Best sex position -  Doggie style

Get on all fours. He kneels behind you, with his upper body straight up or slightly draped over you.
Deep penetration and easier G-spot stimulation.
Stimulate your clitoris with one hand, or ask him to do the finger work for you.

Sex Position No.3: Reverse Cowgirl

You get to call the shots in this position. Bonus: Reverse cowgirl helps delay your partner's climax, so you don't have to worry about rushing to the finish line.
Best sex position -  Reverse Cowgirl

He lies on his back; you straddle him, facing his feet.
Lets you take control and show your guy the pace and rhythm you like.
To get more leverage, put your knees and shins inside his legs and under his thighs.

Sex Position No.4: Missionary

Think you know missionary? Think again: Shifting the angle of your legs in this go-to (and surprisingly versatile) position can make it feel so much hotter.
Best sex position -  Missionary

Lie on your back while he lies facedown on top of you.
Simple, elegant, effective, and surprisingly versatile.
You can drastically change the sensation for both of you by shifting the angle of your legs.

Sex Position No.5: The Pinball Wizard

Put one of your legs over your partner's shoulder for an even more intense sensation.

Best sex position -  The pinball Wizard

You get into a partial bridge position, with your weight resting on your shoulders. He enters you from a kneeling position.
It allows him easy access to stimulate your clitoris and massage the mons pubis.
Throw one leg up against his shoulder for deeper penetration.

Sex Position No.6: Cowgirl's Helper

Since your partner's supporting some of your weight in this position, there's less stress on your legs—which makes it so much easier to climax.
Best sex position -  Cowgirl's Helper

Similar to the popular Cowgirl position, you kneel on top of him, pushing off his chest and sliding up and down his thighs. But he helps by supporting some of your weight and grabbing your hips or thighs while he rises to meet each thrust.
Less stress on your legs, making climaxing easier. Plus, female-dominant positions delay his climax, so everyone wins.
Alternate between shallow and deep thrusting to stimulate different parts of the vagina.

Sex Position No.7: Magic Mountain

Every time you rock against your partner's pelvis in this position, you'll be that much closer to the big O.

Best sex position -  Magic Mountain

He sits, legs bent, leaning back on his hands and forearms. You do the same and then inch toward him until you connect.
You’ll both feel really connected looking at each other. Increase your stimulation by grinding your clitoris against his pelvis.
Slide ice cubes down his chest and let the cold water collect at the base of his pelvis.

Sex Position No.8: The Chairman

This is perfect for hitting and stimulating your G-spot—but your hands will be free to wander elsewhere…

Best sex position -  The chairman

He sits on the edge of the bed and you sit on him, facing away.
This move will hit the spot…as in your G-spot. Good for G-spot stimulation while you can use your hands to stimulate his scrotum or perineum.
Bring your knees closer to your chest, supporting your feet on the bed.

Sex Position No.9: X-Factor

Having your partner enter you in missionary and rotate their chest and legs off your body is a totally novel—and totally hot—sensation.
Best sex position -  X-facror

He enters you from the missionary position, then slides his chest and legs off your body so his pelvis is in the same location but his limbs form an “X” with yours.
You feel more of his body in motion.
Use this unique angle to massage his back, butt, or legs as he thrusts.

Friday, November 22, 2013

How To Stop Ejaculating
Many men are suffering from premature ejaculation but it seems most of them don’t know the harm it brings to their life. Your inability to last longer in bed can affect so many aspects of your life and not your sex life alone. Premature ejaculation is having an ejaculation too quickly than expected or been not able to hold onto your desire to ejaculate when the time is not right. This post should educate you enough on the dangers of been a premature ejaculator and reasons why you need to find solutions to stop ejaculating as fast as possible.

Apart from having a bad effect on your sex life, premature ejaculation can affect your financial, social, emotional and psychological life. You become a complete worthless person if you allow premature ejaculation to take over your life. It affects everything you do negatively. Desperation starts setting in and you begin to feel life is useless. Can you imagine how it feels to see your partner cheat on you because you are not able to satisfy her in bed? Everything you’ve built start crumbling down the moment you realize you are a bad performer in bed and your sexual partner don’t want to be with you again.

How To Stop Ejaculating

How To Stop Ejaculating now – Reason 1

The first reason i am going to share with you today on why you should seek solution to your problem is about your finance. Premature ejaculation can affect your finances negatively because you are so desperate to try your hands on anything you find. You keep on buying drugs and products that promise you to help you last longer only to realize the worse keeps happening to you. Sit down, and analyze the amount of money you’ve spend so far in your quest to solve your premature ejaculation. If you haven’t spent any money yet, then it is great you’ve found this site. Because i am going to reveal to you how you can cure your premature ejaculation without spending your entire budget.

How To Stop Ejaculating now – Reason 2

Premature ejaculate can also affect you psychologically. You would never be upright with yourself so far as you’ve accepted this problem and you think it is burden you can’t overcome. You become so unstable that, the people around you would begin to notice you are upset. You are a man if you are able to please your women in bed. That is how we were created. If you can’t perform in bed, you see yourself as a lesser man which has a negative effect on you psychologically.

How To Stop Ejaculating now – Reason 3

Emotionally, you would also be negatively affected. You desire to have fun may even vanish. You desire to enjoy other pleasures of this world would not be there anymore. You begin to distance yourself from group meetings or gatherings when you feel the issue of sex might crop out. You begin to feel to bad for yourself, you think this world has been unfair to you. If care is not taken and you don’t get any emotional support from your partner, friends or relatives, you might act crazy.

How To Stop Ejaculating now – Reason 4

You lose your social prestige and self confidence. This results mostly when you suspect your partner has told her girlfriends. You begin to develop this shyness around her friends and you would love not to have anything doing with her friends. The situation even becomes worse when you’ve told your own friends. You begin to feel inferior to them. Gradually, your self-confidence begins to diminish and you begin to absent yourself from them. You always feel the whole world knows you are bad in bed and it seems you don’t get a perfect place to hide.
How To Stop Ejaculating

How To Stop Ejaculating now – The solution for you

The problems and negative effects premature ejaculation can bring to your life are so huge that, you need to act on it now. I used to be a premature ejaculator and I think I was worse than you but after so many trail and errors, I found the best way to help cure this problem. I had spent my money, energy and time on useless drugs and products until I found Enlast and duramale.

Enlast helps to stop premature ejaculation in a short-term. It doesn’t prevent premature ejaculation permanently but it helps you to last longer in bed. It is used prior to sex and it helps delay the ejaculatory process. You will be able to feel how good it is to be able to last longer in bed enough to please your partner.

Duramale on the other hand helps to prevent premature ejaculation permanently. But the only bad side to this drug is, you need to wait at least one month to see its full effect on you. That’s why you need to have enlast nearby so that whenever you need to have sex, you use the enlast. You can’t all of a sudden tell your partner you can’t have sex for one month. Just use enlast, and wait patiently for duramale to work its magic on you. Once you’ve had enough of the duramale, quit using the enlast and you will see the greatness it has brought in you. For once, you will get your peace of mind and win your self-confidence back. You would no longer need to worry about disappointing your partner again because the effect of duramale on you is long lasting.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Last Longer During Sex
In this this post, Matt Gorden will share what I think are the top 5 things a man should avoid if he wants to last longer during sex. Are you making one or many of these mistakes? My guess is…probably! To learn more, you can click here or simply read the text transcription underneath it….Enjoy!

Number 1:

Avoid all the pills and drugs that are advertised on the Internet. Form what I know and from my discussions with a lot of men, they simply don’t work. You’ll end up paying a lot of money for something that is not serving you. And you could even harm your physical health.

Number 2:

Don’t always rely on porn to masturbate. When you watch porn, your focus is outside of your body. You are not focused on your own body and your own sensations. And porn is made to make you ejaculate as quick as possible. So you’re not helping yourself here. I’m saying to never watch porn, but just don’t always rely on it to get you excited.

Number 3:

Avoid being stressed and learn to relax. When you are stressed, your body is tensed and all your muscles are tight. Even the muscles that control ejaculation, and this is not good if you want to last longer. Hint: meditation is a great way to learn to relax.

Number 4:

Don’t hold your breath. When are sexually excited or stimulated, we have the tendency to forget about our breathing and hold our breath. This does the same thing than stress does, it make all your muscles tight, including the ejaculation muscles. Breath and relax, it will help you.

Number 5:

When you are having sex with your partner, don’t only focus on the penetration. Enjoy all the other things around love making; the foreplay, the caressing, the kissing, the touching…..and the oral sex! It will take your mind off the ejaculation and will put less pressure on your shoulders. Less pressure means less stress and more control.

So there you go, these are the 5 top things you should avoid in order to last longer having sex. If you’re ready to take things to the next level, you can visit in which he share what are the 2 steps you can take today to become the master of your ejaculations and your orgasms.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tips For Lasting Longer In Bed
The most frustrating thing is to become a huge turn off during sex. There are some things we do in bed that actually make the women lose their feelings to have sex with us again. It is even annoying when you are already  do not know how to last longer in bed especially if you are also not good at foreplay. Your woman is trying to accommodate you in her sexual life, please don’t make things hard for you and her. From my experience, guys can be very annoying during sex and if you want to maintain your relationship, mostly if you are already bad in bed, then apply  these tips for lasting longer in bed I am about to tell you.

To those who are premature ejaculators or are not able to last longer in bed to please their women please spend more time on this blog. There are many posts written to help you solve your premature ejaculation condition and be able to last longer in bed permanently. There are other posts specially dedicated to help spice up your sex life. Although it is our goal to help you to last longer in bed and bring you the best tips and recommendation to achieve this, I also take my time to inform you more on how to enhance your sex game, performance and become a sex god in bed. If you only know how to have sex for long but you even don’t know how to please a woman in bed, all will be for nothing.

Tips For Lasting Longer In Bed – Things To Avoid During Sex

This is one of the most huge turn offs for women. You shouldn’t be talking about work when you are making love to your partner. She will definitely know you are not even thinking of her as you have sex with her. Some men also use this strategy to distract them of the sex which some people claim will help you last longer. I don’t believe in that and it is a stupid thing to do. You should be ready to devote the time during lovemaking to your women. Let her feel how special and wanted she is to you. You can talk about work when you are done. If you want to be able to last longer, I would advise you never use any technique that tries to take your mind of sex. Then it is better not to have sex in the first place. There are better alternatives for you to use. Read more tips for lasting longer in bed here.

Smelly and salty

You can smell when you’ve sweated a lot. This is also a huge turn off to women. You don’t want your partner to start kissing you all over your body only to find out you taste salty. The first impression that comes to her mind is, ‘what does he take me for, a whore?’Your woman expects if you regard her highly above other women, you would make yourself presentable to her always. How would you feel if you are made to swallow the dirt and sweat on your partner’s body? If it is a quick sex that you can’t have time to shower, let her be aware. But it is advisable to always shower or look clean and neat whenever you are about to have sex. You shouldn’t have any foul smell coming from your body especially armpits and your genitals. Always be well cleaned, groomed and neat. Ensure you always have a nice body smell.

Tips For Lasting Longer In Bed

Compare her to your ex in a negative way

Never compare your partner to your ex during sex. Your partner would think you still have thoughts of her. Even if you are comparing her to your ex in a positive way, do that after you are done. Commend her in a nice way and tell her how better she is than your ex. Don’t bring this up when you are making love to her. You even make matters worse if you compare her to your ex in a negative way. It is a huge mood killer and you should desist from it.

Answering up  the phone

Another mistake most men do when having sex is to pick up the phone. Women don’t like that and you should put a stop to it. You just can’t stop in the middle of the act, when she was actually enjoying herself to pick up the phone. It even becomes worse when you spend a lot of time on the phone neglecting her totally. The best you can is to switch off your phone, or place it on vibration or even still activate your answering machine. Like I said previously, you must devote the time during lovemaking to your partner and the act. Don’t get distracted by anything when you are having sex.

How To Last Longer In Bed – Permanent Solution

I know you’ve enjoyed this post but you probably landed on this site hoping you would find a way to help you last longer in bed.  Yes, that is what this blog was built for but sometime I divert to bring in other issues related to sex. If you really want a permanent solution that would have a long lasting effect on your sexual performance, then you need ejaculation training. Ejaculation training is program that can help you to last longer in bed permanently and cure you of premature ejaculation forever.

But don’t get too worried because there is a solution to that. You can also decide to use enlast to help you prevent premature temporary. Enlast is a cream rubbed on the penis prior to sex which helps you to last longer in bed. The effect of enlast is temporary so you need to use it whenever you want to have sex. Use the enlast during the time you wait for the ejaculation training to work its magic on you. Enlast is the quickest and easiest way to help you last longer in bed tonight.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Causes of Premature Ejaculation
This is a very common question. And an excellent one in my opinion. I’m a strong believer that the first step to solving a problem we are facing is to form a better understanding of that problem. So let’s dive into the subject and learn about the causes of premature ejaculation.
According to wikipedia, there are two types of premature ejaculation causes, the psychological and environmental factors and then the physical factors. If you want an exhaustive list of all possible factors, I encourage you to read the wikipedia article.
But in this one, please allow me to focus on what I think are the most common causes of premature ejaculation and that will cover more than 90% of the cases. I’m telling you that based on years of experience teaching men how to stop premature ejaculation and how to last longer in bed on this website and in person.
So let’s get it on…

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation

The very first cause of premature ejaculation is performance anxiety. The classic example is this. Everything is going fine in your sex life and then one day, you loose control of your arousal while having sex with your partner and you ejaculate too soon (or sooner than you wanted to). You are frustrated about the situation and a bit ashamed of yourself. Maybe you even feel guilt and you beat yourself because you couldn’t satisfy your wife or girlfriend.

Next time you’re about to make love to your partner, you can’t help but obsess about the fact that you don’t want disappoint her, you don’t want to let her down again. And guess what happens? This is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you are nervous, the more you put pressure on yourself, the more you obsess about your performance, harder it is to keep control of your arousal and ejaculation. If only you could go back to being relaxed, to enjoying sex, then you would get rid of this problem.

The only way to get rid of this vicious circle is to re-train your body and your mind to have this control once again.
Another very common cause of premature ejaculation is stress. In fact, this is quite the same problem as the previous one except that the source of stress is not the same. Here, we are talking about work-related stress, financial problems, hard relationships, etc. All these sources of stress activate oursympathetic nervous system and this system makes us ejaculate faster. It’s as simple as that.

It’s easier said than done, I know. But the solution here is to relax. The key to relaxing is breathing. Focusing on your breathing and breathing deeply will help tremendously (both in your sex life and in your life in general). It may sound a bit esoteric but meditation helps a lot. In fact, meditation can help you a lot with ejaculation control.

As you can see, sex is a lot like any other “performance”. It has a lot to do with the mental aspect of things. Another big cause of premature ejaculation is the lack of self-confidence. But again, this is another vicious circle. If only you could have more confidence in your ability to last, you would already see improvements.  But how can you be confident when you suffer from premature ejaculation!

Physical causes of premature ejaculation

Let’s now talk about the potential physical causes of premature ejaculation. First thing I want you to know (or remember) is that I’m not a doctor. I’m just a guy who talks about his own experience and the experience of the thousands of men I helped solving their own premature ejaculation issues.
In some (in my opinion) rare occasions, it is possible that your premature ejaculation may be caused by hormonal reasons (probably a lack of serotonine). In that case, it may be wise to consult a doctor.

That being said, there is something that I believe every man should do, training their pc muscle. In my experience PC muscle exercises are a big part of stopping premature ejaculation. Building strength, awareness and dexterity in that region of your body can only bring benefits in your life. So start doing them.

Obviously, premature ejaculation is a complex topic and its causes are many. But I hope this article has helped you understand a bit more why it’s happening. But most of all, I hope that you now see that you have everything it takes within you to solve this issue in your life.